Tag Archive | "God’s will"

What’s Hidden Inside Us

August 26, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Another morning. But before I open my eyes, I lie still and deeply feel inside. And a recognition arises. There is in us a presence of which we are often unaware. You have your own name for it, the presence of God, or reality, of the soul. For me it has the feeling of […]

High Noon in the Desert

June 22, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Here is an entry from my friend Jai Uttals’ blog at http://jaiuttal.com/blog/: The “Bhakti Movement” in the US these days is kind of strange to me. Wonderful, but also, weird. Wonderful because more and more people are experiencing the incredibly passionate joy of singing God’s names; and weird because, as Americans, we seem to […]

The Best Kept Secret in the World

April 27, 2010 18 comments

What is the fast way of spiritual growth? What is the Secret that we cannot see in the bright light of day? So obvious it stares us in the face? The direct step into the space of grace is open to you now.

God’s will

April 22, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet “Everything that happens is God’s will. When you realize that, you’re home free.” – Byron Katie