Using a Mantra in HeartSourcing Yoga

August 1, 2013 3 comments

Tweet When you have turned your attention inward to the Cave of the Heart, you can begin to taste the nectar of unconditional love. It may come as a subtle sensation first, in fits and spurts, seeping through the gaps in the armoring of your Heart. As your awareness of this internal Source deepens, the […]

The Results of Spiritual Work: Overcoming Shyness!

April 18, 2012 1 comment

Tweet I write much about the challenges of spiritual work, the skills that facilitate our awakening, and the great reality of enlightenment. Today I want to write about the simple day-to-day outcome, the normal-life benefits of the transformation we are creating inside us and how it changes our world. This morning I got an email […]

Your Ego in Love

February 1, 2012 3 comments

Tweet It doesn’t take any effort to fall in love. Suddenly the walls you’ve built around your heart crumble and you experience what you are at your core: alive with the bliss of the heart. Suddenly your ego has evaporated and all you can think of is how to make your beloved happy. Imagine a […]

The 3 Aspects of Ego

October 4, 2011 No comments yet

Tweet The ego has two very positive aspects, the Ego of Aspiration and the Ego of the Sage. They must be used to overcome the third, the Ego of Suffering. The root cause of the ego of suffering is fundamental ignorance. It is the delusion that, “I am this body, this mortal personality. Happiness comes […]

Classic Tales of the Painbody, Part 1

June 16, 2011 1 comment

Tweet I’m in the prime spot for Flamenco here in Miami, in a restaurant on Calle Ocho (that’s ‘8th Street’ for you gringos), right in the heart of Little Havana. The place is bubbling with excitement. Tonight there is a performance by Miami’s First Lady of Flamenco Clarita Filgueiras, and Natalia Merino, a famous dancer […]

How You Obstruct God’s Love

May 11, 2011 No comments yet

Tweet For Jane it’s her weight. George thinks he is not a good enough provider for his family. Since the kids teased her in school, Carol believes she is not pretty. This is how we carry our hidden pain with us like a snail carries its house. And every so often we withdraw right into […]

How to Elevate your Level of Consciousness

April 26, 2011 2 comments

Tweet There are countless levels of consciousness. No one lives on one level permanently, it shifts and moves, but more or less we have most of our experiences on a stage of awareness to which we are most habituated. Within this stage we strive to be happy and to avoid suffering. And we also strive […]

9/11: Let’s Put the Inner Terrorist out of Business – Part 2

September 9, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We were going to examine the thought “Something terrible is going to happen.” And please let me make clear that this is for those who want to find the truth. It’s certainly not for everyone. Most people want to believe what they believe, even though it causes them pain. So if you want to […]

9/11: Let’s Put the Inner Terrorist out of Business – part 1

September 8, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet It’s coming around again, this Saturday. Already many people are feeling it – a certain discomfort, anger, perhaps helplessness. And definitely fear. Since 9/11 the thought “Something terrible is going to happen” has become the inaudible but deafening mantra in the collective mind. How is it going to change? How are we/you going to […]

Suffering is an Unconscious Habit

September 7, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We think of it as inevitable, but that is not true. Suffering arises in the unquestioned mind and spreads from there. It is an ingrained habit, no more. And we can change habits. Our thoughts run into the past and the future, imagining what was and could go wrong. Observe it. These regrets and […]

How to Approach the End of Your Suffering

September 6, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We don’t want to suffer. So what do we need to do when it comes, small or big? Grin and bear it? Hope for a better world after we die? All that has been tried. I prefer to end suffering. Many voices that will tell you it’s impossible, that suffering is part of life. […]

The End of the Pain Body

September 3, 2010 2 comments

Tweet “Suffering is voluntary and unnecessary. It is created by the mind” In days of old these insights would have been regarded as a secret teaching, accessible only to a select few. To even approach this knowledge you would first have to go through much training and many tests, and only if you were found […]