Tweet Earth School Phase Four: The Exquisite State of Enlightenment An excerpt from Ramgiri’s forthcoming book “HeartSourcing: Finding Our Way to Love and Liberation” Learn more about Ramgiri’s book here! All rights reserved. Enlightenment is a state of Oneness, of absolute simplicity. This makes it impossible for the mind to grasp, for our thinking is not […]
Tweet You are made to fall in love, because in your innermost core that’s what you are: pure, unconditional love. We are all made to fall in love and we do. We fall in love with humans and with divine beings – and while the essence of love is the same, the outcome is usually […]
Tweet Freeing yourself from the Oppression of Ego Once an old Indian grandfather said to his grandson, “There are two wolves inside me, a black one and a white one. One hurts me and the other one helps me. And they are fighting to the death.” The little boy asked breathlessly, “Grandfather, which one will […]
Tweet How do you describe it when your life becomes a sacred event? How can you speak of this second birth in the spirit that ends the hopelessness of searching and marks the beginning of finding? How do you put into words the deepest feelings and expressions of the heart? What you are about to […]
Tweet You aspire to gain enlightenment, or perhaps unconditional love, wisdom, peace, or spiritual liberation. Your mind is pointed in the right direction, but how do you get to realize your aspiration? There are several steps, and each one has its promises and its traps. Aspirations -> Choices -> Actions -> Results You chose well, […]
Tweet Q&A > Question: “I am completely out of touch with my feelings, specially Love. I have been doing much spiritual practices for the last 3 years and the one thing I can’t grow is Love. My heart is practically dead. I fear that if I love, nobody will love me… like what happened to me before… I […]
Tweet It is early in the morning and I sit in meditation, trying to find the elusive heart. Like clouds of fog, thoughts move by, shrouding my search. I sit still. I wonder, why does it seem so difficult to get to the core of our being, the heart of the matter, to find the […]
Awakening,Blog,Healing,HeartSourcing,Here and Now,Love,meditation,Mind,Self-healing skills,Skills for Awakening,spiritual path
Tweet Your parents have pure love for you in the depth of their heart. Of course their personalities may not always be aware of that. Unconditional love is easily forgotten and replaced by manipulation or even coercion: “We want you to be different from the way you are (—or we won’t love you).” All of […]
Tweet The ego is confusing. It’s not your enemy. And you already know that very often it isn’t your friend. It can cause a lot of trouble. If you have too much of it, you may be blind to it—while it’s obvious to everyone else. If you have too little, you can’t function in this […]
Tweet You are the architect of your destiny. There are parts of your life that are working, and others that aren’t. It is in dealing with your challenges differently, that you can find your true potential to make this new year a time of real transformation and victory! Never mind the hype about 2012: this […]
Tweet How to Rise Above the Pain of Attachment to Find Love, and Why only a Clear Mind is Capable of True Affection and Caring The most surprising Aha! moments come when we realize that something we have been absolutely sure about is completely untrue. Like a sudden ray of light into darkness we realize […]
Tweet There are countless levels of consciousness. No one lives on one level permanently, it shifts and moves, but more or less we have most of our experiences on a stage of awareness to which we are most habituated. Within this stage we strive to be happy and to avoid suffering. And we also strive […]
Tweet Question: “Sometimes it is hard for me to feel my Heart. What can I do?” Ram Giri: The mind has a tendency to run after distractions. This is caused by the subtle desires of the unconscious mind. It is an addiction that keeps the mind agitated and focused outward, away from the Heart. It […]
Tweet Question: Today I woke up confused and with many doubts. I am confused because since there is not an absolute truth, how do we know that our behaviors are correct? Ram Giri: There is YOUR truth. Your being will know it because it is free of stress. Stress is the measurement you can use. […]
Tweet From a Buddhist perspective, busying ourselves with worldly activities is a form of laziness, because we’re lax in self-cultivation. Our lives are so busy in modern society: Our appointment books are completely full and we’re always running here and there. We often complain there isn’t enough time for the Dharma. However, whenever we have […]