Tag Archive | "stillness"

The Liberating Power of the Heart Essence

October 23, 2014 1 comment

Tweet This past week it has become increasingly clear to me that we have direct access to the pure essence of the heart. It is a feeling, a sensation we can become aware of by stilling the mind and directing our awareness to the heart center (in the middle of the chest). People use different […]

Stillness in Action

October 8, 2014 No comments yet

Tweet There is formal meditation and stillness in action. Meditation is a core skill; if we make it a daily habit, it will soon be a constant source of rejuvenation and peace. Before long we won’t want to miss even a single day of our practice. But to practice stillness, one doesn’t necessarily have to […]

The Four Types of Silence

August 14, 2012 1 comment

Tweet Our thoughts are almost continuously restless. This is the nature of the thinking mind. It is seeking, restlessly, for relief from its self-created tensions, for its essential enlightenment, for the peace of the heart. This seeking is in itself a sign of our coming awakening. Behind the stream of thoughts, our inborn intuitive intelligence, […]

Enlightened Community

June 27, 2012 No comments yet

Tweet When we speak of the mind, we mean many things. There is the thinking mind with its constant stream of attachments and worries. We are all very familiar with that. But there is also the higher mind, the mind of intuition, which sometimes has been called “the still, clear voice within the heart.” This […]

Finding the Heart of a Warrior

April 3, 2012 4 comments

Tweet It is early in the morning and I sit in meditation, trying to find the elusive heart. Like clouds of fog, thoughts move by, shrouding my search. I sit still. I wonder, why does it seem so difficult to get to the core of our being, the heart of the matter, to find the […]

Use a Mantra to Get Ready for a Busy Day

August 25, 2010 2 comments

Tweet I have a big day ahead of me today, a list of to do’s longer than my arm (and I have long arms) and lots of big decisions to make. So what did I do to get ready for it? I rolled out of bed early and went for a bike ride and walk, […]