Tweet Love is mysterious. No one can say they know what it is, and yet there is no one who does not know it when it comes. It is impossible to understand pure love, the love of God, our deepest love. This is because, no matter how we are experiencing love, the experience transcends the mind […]
Tweet Who is free? The one who is free to come and go, to do as she wills, or the one who has surrendered her mind to a greater cause, the cause of truth or of love? To the degree we think freedom is what the ego wants, we are blind. There is no freedom […]
Tweet HeartSourcing Yoga is not therapy. It’s not to improve your life by increments; it’s to set you free, radically and for good. After years of sitting on therapists couches this became clear to *Linda when I asked her if she wanted to question her belief, “I was damaged.” She was just getting warmed up […]
Tweet An Excerpt taken from “HeartSourcing: Finding Our Way to Love and Liberation” by Ramgirir Braun, Ph.D. “Maharajji said, “The best way to worship God is every way.” We find devotion equally in the dance of the Sufis, the stirring psalms of the Jews, the powerful ceremonies of indigenous peoples, the sacraments of the Christians, […]
Tweet Bringing The Work of Byron Katie to Miami by Ramgiri Braun, Ph.D. She comes through the hotel lobby waving. She sits down in the car and it starts. She is in a hurry she says. The hurry to free us of suffering. Why? Because she does not experience us as ‘other.’ She loves herself […]
Tweet Before diving into setting new intentions for the next year, let’s honor what we already have achieved and the grace we have received in 2014. Gratitude always opens us to a new and greater understanding of reality. Now, how can you approach 2015 and open for more of what you want in your life, and […]
Tweet Freeing yourself from the Oppression of Ego Once an old Indian grandfather said to his grandson, “There are two wolves inside me, a black one and a white one. One hurts me and the other one helps me. And they are fighting to the death.” The little boy asked breathlessly, “Grandfather, which one will […]
Tweet The problem is that you haven’t dealt with your issue in a spiritual and skillful way. When you do, you can resolve it permanently. Let’s have a look at how this can be done. Everyone struggles with something. You may have a pattern of anxiety, relationship conflicts, depressive tendencies, past trauma, addictions, you name […]
Tweet Q&A > Question: “I am completely out of touch with my feelings, specially Love. I have been doing much spiritual practices for the last 3 years and the one thing I can’t grow is Love. My heart is practically dead. I fear that if I love, nobody will love me… like what happened to me before… I […]
Tweet Lets make happiness work! That’s not an easy thing for two people with conditioned minds. But for a spiritual partnership to succeed, we must change how we think, feel and act – and especially what we have learned to expect from our partner. It’s fundamental, often confusing, and always wonderful work! Unknowingly we are […]
Tweet Our thoughts are almost continuously restless. This is the nature of the thinking mind. It is seeking, restlessly, for relief from its self-created tensions, for its essential enlightenment, for the peace of the heart. This seeking is in itself a sign of our coming awakening. Behind the stream of thoughts, our inborn intuitive intelligence, […]
Tweet Every so often we can taste a moment of freedom from worry, inner anxiety, depression, and fear—and we know somehow that we could live like that all the time. But soon enough this moment of peace is disrupted. Then—if we are clear—we may realize that we stand in our own way. We create what […]
Tweet When we speak of the mind, we mean many things. There is the thinking mind with its constant stream of attachments and worries. We are all very familiar with that. But there is also the higher mind, the mind of intuition, which sometimes has been called “the still, clear voice within the heart.” This […]
Tweet I write much about the challenges of spiritual work, the skills that facilitate our awakening, and the great reality of enlightenment. Today I want to write about the simple day-to-day outcome, the normal-life benefits of the transformation we are creating inside us and how it changes our world. This morning I got an email […]
Awakening,Blog,Healing,HeartSourcing,Here and Now,Love,meditation,Mind,Self-healing skills,Skills for Awakening,spiritual path
Tweet Your parents have pure love for you in the depth of their heart. Of course their personalities may not always be aware of that. Unconditional love is easily forgotten and replaced by manipulation or even coercion: “We want you to be different from the way you are (—or we won’t love you).” All of […]