Therapy or Freedom?

April 10, 2015 No comments yet

Tweet HeartSourcing Yoga is not therapy. It’s not to improve your life by increments; it’s to set you free, radically and for good. After years of sitting on therapists couches this became clear to *Linda when I asked her if she wanted to question her belief, “I was damaged.” She was just getting warmed up […]

Hanging Out with Byron Katie

February 2, 2015 4 comments

Tweet Bringing The Work of Byron Katie to Miami by Ramgiri Braun, Ph.D. She comes through the hotel lobby waving. She sits down in the car and it starts. She is in a hurry she says. The hurry to free us of suffering. Why? Because she does not experience us as ‘other.’ She loves herself […]

That Love Issue again…

August 16, 2014 No comments yet

Tweet Here is an excerpt from Byron Katie’s book “A Thousand Names for Joy.” Enjoy: There’s nothing you can do with love. All you can do is experience it. That’s as intimate as you can ever be with another human being. You can hug him, you can kiss him, you can pack him up, take […]

The Inability to Love

September 11, 2012 2 comments

Tweet Q&A > Question: “I am completely out of touch with my feelings, specially Love. I have been doing much spiritual practices for the last 3 years and the one thing I can’t grow is Love. My heart is practically dead. I fear that if I love, nobody will love me… like what happened to me before… I […]

Making Peace a Reality

July 11, 2012 1 comment

Tweet Every so often we can taste a moment of freedom from worry, inner anxiety, depression, and fear—and we know somehow that we could live like that all the time. But soon enough this moment of peace is disrupted. Then—if we are clear—we may realize that we stand in our own way. We create what […]

“My parents shouldn’t have to suffer”

June 30, 2011 1 comment

Tweet How to Rise Above the Pain of Attachment to Find Love, and Why only a Clear Mind is Capable of True Affection and Caring The most surprising Aha! moments come when we realize that something we have been absolutely sure about is completely untrue. Like a sudden ray of light into darkness we realize […]

Some Questions and Answers about Reality

February 10, 2011 No comments yet

Tweet Question: Today I woke up confused and with many doubts. I am confused because since there is not an absolute truth, how do we know that our behaviors are correct? Ram Giri: There is YOUR truth. Your being will know it because it is free of stress. Stress is the measurement you can use. […]

The Brilliant Idea

September 13, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Maggy doesn’t like her arms. They’re just too hairy. She shaves them, she waxes them and still they are always a thorn in her side. The hair on her arms is the focal point of her self-rejection. Perhaps it’s your boss, or your first boyfriend who mistreated you, or life itself. Somewhere your unhappiness […]

After 9-11

September 12, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet The day is past and some of us came together in a wonderful workshop, stepping out of the imprisonment of our stressful thoughts and emotions. This is how we are creating peace in this world, one mind and heart at a time. Let me offer you a quote by Byron Katie today: “I am […]

9/11: Let’s Put the Inner Terrorist out of Business – Part 2

September 9, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We were going to examine the thought “Something terrible is going to happen.” And please let me make clear that this is for those who want to find the truth. It’s certainly not for everyone. Most people want to believe what they believe, even though it causes them pain. So if you want to […]

9/11: Let’s Put the Inner Terrorist out of Business – part 1

September 8, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet It’s coming around again, this Saturday. Already many people are feeling it – a certain discomfort, anger, perhaps helplessness. And definitely fear. Since 9/11 the thought “Something terrible is going to happen” has become the inaudible but deafening mantra in the collective mind. How is it going to change? How are we/you going to […]

The Wisdom of Vasistha

July 29, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet One of the greatest books of the wisdom literature of this planet is the yet little known “Vasistha’s Yoga.” The following is a quote from it regarding self-inquiry and the Heart: If one has achieved even a little bit of control over the mind by self-enquiry, such a person has attained the fruit of […]

A Quiet Mind…

July 17, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet A quiet mind is all you need. All else will happen rightly, once your mind is quiet. As the sun on rising makes the world active, so does self-awareness affect changes in the mind. In the light of calm and steady self-awareness inner energies wake up and work miracles without effort on your part. […]

Interview, Ram Giri with Byron Katie

November 24, 2009 8 comments

Tweet Ram Giri: Hi Katie Byron Katie: Hi R G: Katie, Freud once said that the most important question we need to ask is weather the universe is kind. And in my case I always believed that the universe is very harsh and unfriendly, and I know many people who live in that belief, in […]