Tag Archive | "sadhana"

Finding the Heart of a Warrior

April 3, 2012 4 comments

Tweet It is early in the morning and I sit in meditation, trying to find the elusive heart. Like clouds of fog, thoughts move by, shrouding my search. I sit still. I wonder, why does it seem so difficult to get to the core of our being, the heart of the matter, to find the […]

Making Friends with Your Ego

January 16, 2012 8 comments

Tweet The ego is confusing. It’s not your enemy. And you already know that very often it isn’t your friend. It can cause a lot of trouble. If you have too much of it, you may be blind to it—while it’s obvious to everyone else. If you have too little, you can’t function in this […]

The Way out of Depression and Disillusionment

August 29, 2011 1 comment

Tweet When depression is not depression but disillusionment, it still feels like depression. But in reality it is the first step toward the recognition of your inherent freedom and peace. Dis-illusionment is the beginning of waking up from illusion. It is a difficult stage with enormous promise. What is the illusion that is about to […]

Healing the Body and Your Emotions:

July 20, 2011 1 comment

Tweet Overcome Physical Problems through Open Attention We all know of the intimate correlation between mind, emotions and physical illness. Can resolving emotional stress help you overcome physical pain? And if so, how is it done? Jane’s hip was hurting a great deal. She had gone to the chiropractor with little results and in the […]

HeartSourcing Meditation and Satsang with Ram Giri!

October 1, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Dear friends, I want to share with you this interview I was invited to attend couple of days ago. I’m very grateful to ‘Wisdom’s Soft Whisper’ radio show team, for your kindness and love. Please click on: RamGiri09272010.mp3 If the above link does not work, you can paste the following address into your browser: […]

Walking Yourself into the Promised Land

September 2, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet The Israelites showed us how it’s done. 40 years in the desert with nothing but their faith to support them – my God that was no picnic! Picture them, the whole tribe walking along. Up ahead the courageous ones, the explorers, ready to conquer the scary unknown. Then the whole mass of the people, […]

The Best Kept Secret in the World

April 27, 2010 18 comments

What is the fast way of spiritual growth? What is the Secret that we cannot see in the bright light of day? So obvious it stares us in the face? The direct step into the space of grace is open to you now.