Tag Archive | "spirituality"

How to Awaken Your Inner Goddess

February 24, 2011 2 comments

Tweet Question: “Sometimes it is hard for me to feel my Heart. What can I do?” Ram Giri: The mind has a tendency to run after distractions. This is caused by the subtle desires of the unconscious mind. It is an addiction that keeps the mind agitated and focused outward, away from the Heart. It […]

On Meditation

October 5, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet “As the pace of our lives continues to be accelerated by a host of forces seemingly beyond our control, more and more of us are finding ourselves drawn to engage in meditation, in this radical act of being., this radical act of love, astonishing as that may seem given the materialistic ‘can do’, speed-obsessed, […]

Three Things to Cherish

September 16, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Three aspects of spiritual life are precious to guard and develop: devotion, enthusiasm and the focus on enlightenment. Devotion to our teacher and our highest goal is the source of all blessings. We may think that this is because when we have devotion we are good and we deserve to receive blessings, but that […]

9/11: Let’s Put the Inner Terrorist out of Business – Part 2

September 9, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We were going to examine the thought “Something terrible is going to happen.” And please let me make clear that this is for those who want to find the truth. It’s certainly not for everyone. Most people want to believe what they believe, even though it causes them pain. So if you want to […]

Suffering is an Unconscious Habit

September 7, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We think of it as inevitable, but that is not true. Suffering arises in the unquestioned mind and spreads from there. It is an ingrained habit, no more. And we can change habits. Our thoughts run into the past and the future, imagining what was and could go wrong. Observe it. These regrets and […]

Walking Yourself into the Promised Land

September 2, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet The Israelites showed us how it’s done. 40 years in the desert with nothing but their faith to support them – my God that was no picnic! Picture them, the whole tribe walking along. Up ahead the courageous ones, the explorers, ready to conquer the scary unknown. Then the whole mass of the people, […]

What’s Hidden Inside Us

August 26, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Another morning. But before I open my eyes, I lie still and deeply feel inside. And a recognition arises. There is in us a presence of which we are often unaware. You have your own name for it, the presence of God, or reality, of the soul. For me it has the feeling of […]

The Wisdom of Vasistha

July 29, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet One of the greatest books of the wisdom literature of this planet is the yet little known “Vasistha’s Yoga.” The following is a quote from it regarding self-inquiry and the Heart: If one has achieved even a little bit of control over the mind by self-enquiry, such a person has attained the fruit of […]

A Quiet Mind…

July 17, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet A quiet mind is all you need. All else will happen rightly, once your mind is quiet. As the sun on rising makes the world active, so does self-awareness affect changes in the mind. In the light of calm and steady self-awareness inner energies wake up and work miracles without effort on your part. […]

High Noon in the Desert

June 22, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Here is an entry from my friend Jai Uttals’ blog at http://jaiuttal.com/blog/: The “Bhakti Movement” in the US these days is kind of strange to me. Wonderful, but also, weird. Wonderful because more and more people are experiencing the incredibly passionate joy of singing God’s names; and weird because, as Americans, we seem to […]

The Supreme Importance of Self-Love

May 25, 2010 1 comment

Tweet Most of us cannot even relate to this language – ‘Self-Love,’ it sounds like narcissism, like self-indulgence, somehow over the top and too much. And yet, when we look at its pure manifestation, it is the most important quality we can develop. In truth most of us are rather removed from loving ourselves much […]

On Love and Non-attachment

May 9, 2010 2 comments

Tweet People often wonder how to reconcile the Buddha’s teachings on non-attachment with those on love. How can we love others without being attached to them? Non-attachment is a balanced state of mind in which we cease overestimating others’ qualities. By having a more accurate view of others, our unrealistic expectations fall away, as does […]

The Assembly of Sages

May 5, 2010 2 comments

A vision that could be yours: standing in front of an assembly of enlightened beings and the impact that vision can have

The True Meaning of ‘Guru’.

April 30, 2010 3 comments

Tweet As soon as the word ‘guru’ entered the Western world it was misunderstood. Although we have a perfect example of what the word means in the figure of Jesus, we still could not understand it. And so we reduced it and reduced it until now everyone who knows (or pretends to know) anything can […]

The Best Kept Secret in the World

April 27, 2010 18 comments

What is the fast way of spiritual growth? What is the Secret that we cannot see in the bright light of day? So obvious it stares us in the face? The direct step into the space of grace is open to you now.