Tag Archive | "self healing"

The Yoga of the Lover and the Beloved

December 20, 2011 5 comments

Tweet There is no time better than now to remember that in your heart lies the immense potential of all the unconditional love that is possible.  And the wisdom to use it. Imagine that! You have a Buddha inside of you. The second coming of Christ can take place—where else?—in your heart! What could you […]

Healing the Body and Your Emotions:

July 20, 2011 1 comment

Tweet Overcome Physical Problems through Open Attention We all know of the intimate correlation between mind, emotions and physical illness. Can resolving emotional stress help you overcome physical pain? And if so, how is it done? Jane’s hip was hurting a great deal. She had gone to the chiropractor with little results and in the […]

The Invisible Threat of Self-Sabotage

November 3, 2010 2 comments

Tweet You would never do this to yourself consciously. You, like everyone else, do not like to suffer. And yet, you, like everybody else, are sometimes subjected to the hidden force of self-sabotage. Committing yourself to a practice to awaken to your higher potential and to end the pain in your life is a sure […]

9/11: Let’s Put the Inner Terrorist out of Business – Part 2

September 9, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We were going to examine the thought “Something terrible is going to happen.” And please let me make clear that this is for those who want to find the truth. It’s certainly not for everyone. Most people want to believe what they believe, even though it causes them pain. So if you want to […]

Suffering is an Unconscious Habit

September 7, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We think of it as inevitable, but that is not true. Suffering arises in the unquestioned mind and spreads from there. It is an ingrained habit, no more. And we can change habits. Our thoughts run into the past and the future, imagining what was and could go wrong. Observe it. These regrets and […]

How to Approach the End of Your Suffering

September 6, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We don’t want to suffer. So what do we need to do when it comes, small or big? Grin and bear it? Hope for a better world after we die? All that has been tried. I prefer to end suffering. Many voices that will tell you it’s impossible, that suffering is part of life. […]

Walking Yourself into the Promised Land

September 2, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet The Israelites showed us how it’s done. 40 years in the desert with nothing but their faith to support them – my God that was no picnic! Picture them, the whole tribe walking along. Up ahead the courageous ones, the explorers, ready to conquer the scary unknown. Then the whole mass of the people, […]

A Quiet Mind…

July 17, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet A quiet mind is all you need. All else will happen rightly, once your mind is quiet. As the sun on rising makes the world active, so does self-awareness affect changes in the mind. In the light of calm and steady self-awareness inner energies wake up and work miracles without effort on your part. […]

The Supreme Importance of Self-Love

May 25, 2010 1 comment

Tweet Most of us cannot even relate to this language – ‘Self-Love,’ it sounds like narcissism, like self-indulgence, somehow over the top and too much. And yet, when we look at its pure manifestation, it is the most important quality we can develop. In truth most of us are rather removed from loving ourselves much […]

The Best Kept Secret in the World

April 27, 2010 18 comments

What is the fast way of spiritual growth? What is the Secret that we cannot see in the bright light of day? So obvious it stares us in the face? The direct step into the space of grace is open to you now.

Spiritual Anatomy: The Secret of Your Happiness

April 18, 2010 No comments yet

Who are you and how can you find healing and happiness? The answer to this is actually very simple and straightforward. This article offers you a master formula to help you proceed on the path to yourself.

Can the Body Heal Itself of Cancer?

April 9, 2010 4 comments

The author describes what led to his spontaneous recovery from cancer and shows a way how you can create the optimal inner conditions for healing from cancer. He offers an online course for self healing by clearing mind and emotions of stress and opening to the Source of peace and unconditional love within you.

Can the Body Heal Itself of Cancer?

April 8, 2010 2 comments

This article discusses the author’s spontaneous healing from cancer and his 35 year journey to find and share with others the fundamental skills anyone can use to enable the body and mind and emotions to heal and find wholeness. The main secret is to learn to open to the deep well of pure love inside us.