Tweet Life is vast and profound. All power resides in life. It goes on by itself, it lives us, we are like passengers on a ship. Life inevitably takes us where we need to go due to karmic forces we have set in motion, and we have no control over that. We have choice only […]
Tweet Remember the joy you felt when you made someone happy. What a privilege it is! What wonderful instant gratification for the giver—and it is one that doesn’t turn sour later on. No credit card bill comes due on this experience. To the contrary, the more often you do it, the more you will benefit, […]
Tweet You are the architect of your destiny. There are parts of your life that are working, and others that aren’t. It is in dealing with your challenges differently, that you can find your true potential to make this new year a time of real transformation and victory! Never mind the hype about 2012: this […]
Tweet …an Excerpt taken from Ram Giri’s forthcoming book: ” Practicing HeartSourcing is beneficial anytime, anywhere. This is not just because it feels good, but because it is a direct way to access the gifts of the Self, the inner guru, the Supreme Reality. The good feelings you enjoy with HeartSourcing are an emanation of […]
Tweet Life will always have its ups and downs. This is inevitable. And in this continuous change, in this unpredictability, life meets beauty in its entire dimension. Here is where I ask myself and I invite you to do the same: How am I dancing with life? Am I meeting life with a balanced and […]
Tweet “Remember that there is only one important time and that is now. The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion. The most important person is always the person you are with, who is right before you, for who knows if you will have dealings with any other person in the […]