Tag Archive | "overcoming fear"

The Exquisite State of Enlightenment

June 10, 2014 2 comments

Tweet Earth School Phase Four: The Exquisite State of Enlightenment An excerpt from Ramgiri’s forthcoming book “HeartSourcing: Finding Our Way to Love and Liberation” Learn more about Ramgiri’s book here! All rights reserved. Enlightenment is a state of Oneness, of absolute simplicity. This makes it impossible for the mind to grasp, for our thinking is not […]

Making Peace a Reality

July 11, 2012 1 comment

Tweet Every so often we can taste a moment of freedom from worry, inner anxiety, depression, and fear—and we know somehow that we could live like that all the time. But soon enough this moment of peace is disrupted. Then—if we are clear—we may realize that we stand in our own way. We create what […]

The Results of Spiritual Work: Overcoming Shyness!

April 18, 2012 1 comment

Tweet I write much about the challenges of spiritual work, the skills that facilitate our awakening, and the great reality of enlightenment. Today I want to write about the simple day-to-day outcome, the normal-life benefits of the transformation we are creating inside us and how it changes our world. This morning I got an email […]

Finding the Heart of a Warrior

April 3, 2012 4 comments

Tweet It is early in the morning and I sit in meditation, trying to find the elusive heart. Like clouds of fog, thoughts move by, shrouding my search. I sit still. I wonder, why does it seem so difficult to get to the core of our being, the heart of the matter, to find the […]

Healing the Body and Your Emotions:

July 20, 2011 1 comment

Tweet Overcome Physical Problems through Open Attention We all know of the intimate correlation between mind, emotions and physical illness. Can resolving emotional stress help you overcome physical pain? And if so, how is it done? Jane’s hip was hurting a great deal. She had gone to the chiropractor with little results and in the […]

“My parents shouldn’t have to suffer”

June 30, 2011 1 comment

Tweet How to Rise Above the Pain of Attachment to Find Love, and Why only a Clear Mind is Capable of True Affection and Caring The most surprising Aha! moments come when we realize that something we have been absolutely sure about is completely untrue. Like a sudden ray of light into darkness we realize […]

Classic Tales of the Painbody, Part 1

June 16, 2011 1 comment

Tweet I’m in the prime spot for Flamenco here in Miami, in a restaurant on Calle Ocho (that’s ‘8th Street’ for you gringos), right in the heart of Little Havana. The place is bubbling with excitement. Tonight there is a performance by Miami’s First Lady of Flamenco Clarita Filgueiras, and Natalia Merino, a famous dancer […]

From Fear to Fearlessness

November 12, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet I like checking the Skills for Awakening against a variety of other wisdom traditions. What I find, time and again, is that this thoroughly contemporary approach is really the pure practical essence of what the wisdom traditions teach. It represents the practice of the liberation from suffering without all the trappings of foreign cultures […]

The Invisible Threat of Self-Sabotage

November 3, 2010 2 comments

Tweet You would never do this to yourself consciously. You, like everyone else, do not like to suffer. And yet, you, like everybody else, are sometimes subjected to the hidden force of self-sabotage. Committing yourself to a practice to awaken to your higher potential and to end the pain in your life is a sure […]

HeartSourcing Meditation and Satsang with Ram Giri!

October 1, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Dear friends, I want to share with you this interview I was invited to attend couple of days ago. I’m very grateful to ‘Wisdom’s Soft Whisper’ radio show team, for your kindness and love. Please click on: RamGiri09272010.mp3 If the above link does not work, you can paste the following address into your browser: […]

The Importance of Happiness

September 20, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet People harm others only when they are unhappy. No one wakes up in the morning and says, “I feel so great today! I think I’ll go out and harm someone!” When we can allow ourselves to know the depth of the pain and confusion felt by those who have harmed us, compassion–the wish that […]

The Place of Ultimate Refuge

September 17, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Life is full of pain sometimes, where do we turn to find some relief? Look at your fear, depression, anxiety, worry. They are all about the past and the future, are they not? Now bring your attention to the present moment. Not ‘sort of,’ but really come into the now. Get focused on the […]

9/11: Let’s Put the Inner Terrorist out of Business – Part 3

September 10, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Now it has come again, this sad day. We hear great waves of disturbance around us, as though a stone was thrown into a pond and the ripples are spreading. Intolerance, fear, prejudice and confusion, one follows the other. We see the disturbance in the world and what can we do? How can we […]

9/11: Let’s Put the Inner Terrorist out of Business – Part 2

September 9, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We were going to examine the thought “Something terrible is going to happen.” And please let me make clear that this is for those who want to find the truth. It’s certainly not for everyone. Most people want to believe what they believe, even though it causes them pain. So if you want to […]

9/11: Let’s Put the Inner Terrorist out of Business – part 1

September 8, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet It’s coming around again, this Saturday. Already many people are feeling it – a certain discomfort, anger, perhaps helplessness. And definitely fear. Since 9/11 the thought “Something terrible is going to happen” has become the inaudible but deafening mantra in the collective mind. How is it going to change? How are we/you going to […]