Tag Archive | "reality"

A New Years Resolution: To Generate the Greatest Happiness

December 29, 2015 No comments yet

Tweet Life is vast and profound. All power resides in life. It goes on by itself, it lives us, we are like passengers on a ship. Life inevitably takes us where we need to go due to karmic forces we have set in motion, and we have no control over that. We have choice only […]

Problems are the Agents for Grace

July 30, 2012 No comments yet

Tweet Our true Self is enlightened and flawless. In the true place of the soul, in the cave of the heart, we have tremendous love, unshakable peace, and all the happiness we could ever hope for. But why are we so often troubled and out of touch? It is because our mind is conditioned for […]

Making Peace a Reality

July 11, 2012 1 comment

Tweet Every so often we can taste a moment of freedom from worry, inner anxiety, depression, and fear—and we know somehow that we could live like that all the time. But soon enough this moment of peace is disrupted. Then—if we are clear—we may realize that we stand in our own way. We create what […]

“I Have to Do what my Parents Want”

March 7, 2012 No comments yet

Tweet Your parents have pure love for you in the depth of their heart. Of course their personalities may not always be aware of that. Unconditional love is easily forgotten and replaced by manipulation or even coercion: “We want you to be different from the way you are (—or we won’t love you).” All of […]

“My parents shouldn’t have to suffer”

June 30, 2011 1 comment

Tweet How to Rise Above the Pain of Attachment to Find Love, and Why only a Clear Mind is Capable of True Affection and Caring The most surprising Aha! moments come when we realize that something we have been absolutely sure about is completely untrue. Like a sudden ray of light into darkness we realize […]

Classic Tales of the Painbody, Part 1

June 16, 2011 1 comment

Tweet I’m in the prime spot for Flamenco here in Miami, in a restaurant on Calle Ocho (that’s ‘8th Street’ for you gringos), right in the heart of Little Havana. The place is bubbling with excitement. Tonight there is a performance by Miami’s First Lady of Flamenco Clarita Filgueiras, and Natalia Merino, a famous dancer […]

HeartSourcing in Real Life

June 2, 2011 No comments yet

Tweet I am riding my bike through the Miami traffic to get some movement into these old bones, and I can’t help but notice how aggressive people are. They honk and curse at the little old lady in front of them, then pass her in a cloud of exhaust fumes to enjoy the great victory […]