Tweet An Alternative View of an Epidemic… by Ram Giri Over 120 million people suffer from serious depression worldwide. Most of them live in the richest countries in the world, where, one would think, people have less reason to be depressed. What’s going on? What the statistics don’t tell us is that many of these […]
What is the fast way of spiritual growth? What is the Secret that we cannot see in the bright light of day? So obvious it stares us in the face? The direct step into the space of grace is open to you now.
Who are you and how can you find healing and happiness? The answer to this is actually very simple and straightforward. This article offers you a master formula to help you proceed on the path to yourself.
The author describes what led to his spontaneous recovery from cancer and shows a way how you can create the optimal inner conditions for healing from cancer. He offers an online course for self healing by clearing mind and emotions of stress and opening to the Source of peace and unconditional love within you.
This article discusses the author’s spontaneous healing from cancer and his 35 year journey to find and share with others the fundamental skills anyone can use to enable the body and mind and emotions to heal and find wholeness. The main secret is to learn to open to the deep well of pure love inside us.