Tag Archive | "mind body spirit"

“My parents shouldn’t have to suffer”

June 30, 2011 1 comment

Tweet How to Rise Above the Pain of Attachment to Find Love, and Why only a Clear Mind is Capable of True Affection and Caring The most surprising Aha! moments come when we realize that something we have been absolutely sure about is completely untrue. Like a sudden ray of light into darkness we realize […]

From Fear to Fearlessness

November 12, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet I like checking the Skills for Awakening against a variety of other wisdom traditions. What I find, time and again, is that this thoroughly contemporary approach is really the pure practical essence of what the wisdom traditions teach. It represents the practice of the liberation from suffering without all the trappings of foreign cultures […]

The Invisible Threat of Self-Sabotage

November 3, 2010 2 comments

Tweet You would never do this to yourself consciously. You, like everyone else, do not like to suffer. And yet, you, like everybody else, are sometimes subjected to the hidden force of self-sabotage. Committing yourself to a practice to awaken to your higher potential and to end the pain in your life is a sure […]

9/11: Let’s Put the Inner Terrorist out of Business – part 1

September 8, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet It’s coming around again, this Saturday. Already many people are feeling it – a certain discomfort, anger, perhaps helplessness. And definitely fear. Since 9/11 the thought “Something terrible is going to happen” has become the inaudible but deafening mantra in the collective mind. How is it going to change? How are we/you going to […]

Suffering is an Unconscious Habit

September 7, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We think of it as inevitable, but that is not true. Suffering arises in the unquestioned mind and spreads from there. It is an ingrained habit, no more. And we can change habits. Our thoughts run into the past and the future, imagining what was and could go wrong. Observe it. These regrets and […]

How to Approach the End of Your Suffering

September 6, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We don’t want to suffer. So what do we need to do when it comes, small or big? Grin and bear it? Hope for a better world after we die? All that has been tried. I prefer to end suffering. Many voices that will tell you it’s impossible, that suffering is part of life. […]

The Supreme Importance of Self-Love

May 25, 2010 1 comment

Tweet Most of us cannot even relate to this language – ‘Self-Love,’ it sounds like narcissism, like self-indulgence, somehow over the top and too much. And yet, when we look at its pure manifestation, it is the most important quality we can develop. In truth most of us are rather removed from loving ourselves much […]

The Assembly of Sages

May 5, 2010 2 comments

A vision that could be yours: standing in front of an assembly of enlightened beings and the impact that vision can have

The True Meaning of ‘Guru’.

April 30, 2010 3 comments

Tweet As soon as the word ‘guru’ entered the Western world it was misunderstood. Although we have a perfect example of what the word means in the figure of Jesus, we still could not understand it. And so we reduced it and reduced it until now everyone who knows (or pretends to know) anything can […]