A meditation on “How to Relieve Fear”
Posted on February 17, 2010
Fear is the mind killer. It makes us into slaves of all the stressful emotions that spring from fear. It stifles our immune system, which can make us sick and keep us from healing.
The cure for fear is love. Love gives life. Pure, unconditional love is the medicine for what ails us in life. It springs from our spiritual heart.
Pure Love is the best of all drugs. Here is how you can tap into the infinite source of Love in your Heart.
Tags: cancer, fear, healing cancer, heart, heartsourcing, holistic health, Love, mind-body healing, overcoming fear, spiritual healing
Mar 01, 2010
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Mar 02, 2010
Thanks Francine
Mar 25, 2010
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May 10, 2010
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