Love has no Future

Posted on November 15, 2009

screen-capture-3-300x224Two lovers meet. She says to him, “Are you the perfect partner for me? Can I trust that you will love me tomorrow and not betray me, or leave me?”

“My love,” he says, “I cannot know the future. That is how I am like you. Since I treasure you I cannot tell you something I cannot know, a story about a future that I can only make up. This would not honor you.

“But I can tell you that you are my partner now, at this minute. You are my Beloved. That I can celebrate with you. In this moment I love you with all my heart – and I trust myself in that love. I am true to that love.

“Because I love myself, I know that I will not do anything to hurt me. To hurt or betray you would hurt me. I will not do that to me. We can both be safe in that knowing.”

This is the voice of truth and of skillful relating.

The mind is in confusion. It thinks, “I can only feel safe in loving now if I can be sure about the future. But since I don’t know the future, I cannot dare to open myself and trust this love” – therefore the mind is fearful and stays on guard. It does not love fully. It does not open up.

When the mind is closed, the heart will be closed. That is inevitable. The closed, fearful mind dares not to surrender itself to love, and so the possibility of a deeply loving relationship cannot fulfill itself.

This is how many couples do not experience the full potential of their relationship, and the amazing possibilities of the heart.

The future does not exist the way we think of it. We never get to a future. We never arrive at a point called ‘the future’. No one has ever experienced it.

The future is only a thought, a story we tell. It is unreal, a figment of the imagination, which becomes a nightmare when we project our fears into it.

We miss the Now because of the scary story about a future we make up in our minds.

The future is now, it is created in every moment.

The lover continues, “My beloved, the reality of our love is now.

“This is where I meet you, open, undefended, without expectations.

“It is the only way we can meet, the only way lovers, or any two people, have ever met.

“So our relationship, my dear, has no future.

“It is either now, in this moment, or not at all.
“Our hearts can be open to each other only now.

“We cannot love each other in the future, only now.

“I love you now.

“That is enough.

“That is everything to me.

“That is where I want to meet you.”


19 Responses to “Love has no Future”

  1. Alvin Krikorian
    Feb 02, 2010

    My friend’s and I enjoy this website’s info! Great Article!

  2. Merlin Mahan
    Feb 07, 2010

    Wonderful! Thanks!

  3. admin
    Feb 20, 2010

    Great to have you along, Ezra
    Soon I will be posting more
    with love
    Ram Giri

  4. admin
    Feb 20, 2010

    Thanks Lizzie; I’ll have my webmaster look into this
    with love
    Ram Giri
    PS Stay in touch

  5. admin
    Feb 20, 2010

    Thanks Merlin!

  6. admin
    Feb 20, 2010

    Thanks Alvin, please stay in touch.
    with love
    Ram Giri

  7. Dr Philosophy
    Feb 21, 2010

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  13. ramgiri
    Apr 08, 2010

    Thanks Lorine

  14. ramgiri
    Apr 09, 2010

    The Spanish translation is planned but will take some time. Thanks for your interest. Sorry I can’t be more helpful right now. If you have any questions, please email or call directly. We have Spanish speaking staff.

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