Heart Opening Poem

Posted on November 23, 2009

Listen, my friend, this road is the heart opening,

Kissing his feet, resistance broken, tears all night.

If we could reach the Lord through immersion in water,

I would have asked to be born a fish in this life.

If we could reach Him through nothing but berries and wild nuts,

Then surely the saints would have been monkeys when they came from the womb!

If we could reach him by munching lettuce and dry leaves,

Then the goats would surely go to the Holy One before us!

If the worship of stone statues could bring us all the way,

I would have adored a granite mountain years ago.

Mirabai says: The heat of midnight tears will bring you to God.

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5 Responses to “Heart Opening Poem”

  1. Tina Bricker
    Nov 29, 2009

    I am sitting here in the heat of midnight tears and sure enough I was brought to God! Thank You for your words!

  2. WP McHerny
    Feb 21, 2010

    Amiable post, this will help someone on my heart needs. Thank you for the information!

  3. ramgiri
    Mar 02, 2010

    You’re welcome WP

  4. HorsoUrnefoef
    Mar 28, 2010

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    don’t quit and keep posting as it just worth to look through it,
    impatient to see a lot more of your current posts, kind regards!

  5. ramgiri
    Apr 01, 2010

    Thank you!
    For following our blog and commenting on this post!
    If you haven’t, I invite you to check the series of “The 4 Indispensable Ingredients to Spiritual Life”, we are now in part 2.
    Also, I wanted to let you know that we have recently launched an amazing 6 week online course on the Skills I’ve been teaching and sharing for some years now.
    Below is the link, I hope you enjoy it and benefit from it… it is profoundly transformative!

    Ram Giri

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