Tag Archive | "bhakti yoga"

Second Birth

February 12, 2013 2 comments

Tweet How do you describe it when your life becomes a sacred event? How can you speak of this second birth in the spirit that ends the hopelessness of searching and marks the beginning of finding? How do you put into words the deepest feelings and expressions of the heart? What you are about to […]

3 Steps to Stop Negative Habits and Drama

June 13, 2012 No comments yet

Tweet You know the set-up: your child says something in that tone of voice, you look at the numbers in your bank statement, you find your husband’s shirt wadded up under the chair. The rest is automatic: you complain, you worry, you fret. And you thought you were over your old reactivity! We’re conflict junkies, […]

High Noon in the Desert

June 22, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet Here is an entry from my friend Jai Uttals’ blog at http://jaiuttal.com/blog/: The “Bhakti Movement” in the US these days is kind of strange to me. Wonderful, but also, weird. Wonderful because more and more people are experiencing the incredibly passionate joy of singing God’s names; and weird because, as Americans, we seem to […]