Using a Mantra in HeartSourcing Yoga

August 1, 2013 3 comments

Tweet When you have turned your attention inward to the Cave of the Heart, you can begin to taste the nectar of unconditional love. It may come as a subtle sensation first, in fits and spurts, seeping through the gaps in the armoring of your Heart. As your awareness of this internal Source deepens, the […]

Second Birth

February 12, 2013 2 comments

Tweet How do you describe it when your life becomes a sacred event? How can you speak of this second birth in the spirit that ends the hopelessness of searching and marks the beginning of finding? How do you put into words the deepest feelings and expressions of the heart? What you are about to […]

Divine Intimacy

October 10, 2012 No comments yet

Tweet You know the feeling. It is written deep in your DNA. It is the most intimate connection you have with you, and with life. It started when you were in your mother’s womb, floating in the ocean of bliss, every need of life taken care of. It is the place beyond worry, beyond even […]

Finding the Heart of a Warrior

April 3, 2012 4 comments

Tweet It is early in the morning and I sit in meditation, trying to find the elusive heart. Like clouds of fog, thoughts move by, shrouding my search. I sit still. I wonder, why does it seem so difficult to get to the core of our being, the heart of the matter, to find the […]

I Love Myself: When I’m Laughing and when I’m Crying!

September 14, 2011 6 comments

Tweet Life will always have its ups and downs. This is inevitable. And in this continuous change, in this unpredictability, life meets beauty in its entire dimension. Here is where I ask myself and I invite you to do the same: How am I dancing with life? Am I meeting life with a balanced and […]

Celebrating the End of the Rule of the Tyrannical Ego

September 5, 2011 No comments yet

Tweet The people of Libya have rid themselves of their oppressor and are celebrating. Celebration of Freedom Women in Tripoli after Eid day 2-9-2011 I cannot help but be struck by the symbolism of this wonderful party, and what it can mean for us. We too are involved in a ‘holy war.’ It is the […]

How You Obstruct God’s Love

May 11, 2011 No comments yet

Tweet For Jane it’s her weight. George thinks he is not a good enough provider for his family. Since the kids teased her in school, Carol believes she is not pretty. This is how we carry our hidden pain with us like a snail carries its house. And every so often we withdraw right into […]

Osama and the Karma of State-sponsored Killing

May 4, 2011 12 comments

Tweet In the light of 9-11 and the killing of Osama bin Laden we understand the reactions of revenge and of hatred. Their expression was easy enough to see in the outburst of joy at his death in many parts of the US. It made some of us rather uncomfortable. That we are staging the […]

Finding Compassion

March 11, 2011 No comments yet

Tweet Today Japan was hit by the biggest earthquake and tsunami of its history. The images of devastation are enormous and no one knows yet the extent of the human and financial toll of the event. At such a moment we instinctively pause and hold our collective breath, as we realize once more the reality […]

How to Awaken Your Inner Goddess

February 24, 2011 2 comments

Tweet Question: “Sometimes it is hard for me to feel my Heart. What can I do?” Ram Giri: The mind has a tendency to run after distractions. This is caused by the subtle desires of the unconscious mind. It is an addiction that keeps the mind agitated and focused outward, away from the Heart. It […]

The Importance of Happiness

September 20, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet People harm others only when they are unhappy. No one wakes up in the morning and says, “I feel so great today! I think I’ll go out and harm someone!” When we can allow ourselves to know the depth of the pain and confusion felt by those who have harmed us, compassion–the wish that […]

Suffering is an Unconscious Habit

September 7, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet We think of it as inevitable, but that is not true. Suffering arises in the unquestioned mind and spreads from there. It is an ingrained habit, no more. And we can change habits. Our thoughts run into the past and the future, imagining what was and could go wrong. Observe it. These regrets and […]

Walking Yourself into the Promised Land

September 2, 2010 No comments yet

Tweet The Israelites showed us how it’s done. 40 years in the desert with nothing but their faith to support them – my God that was no picnic! Picture them, the whole tribe walking along. Up ahead the courageous ones, the explorers, ready to conquer the scary unknown. Then the whole mass of the people, […]