Tweet There is no time better than now to remember that in your heart lies the immense potential of all the unconditional love that is possible. And the wisdom to use it. Imagine that! You have a Buddha inside of you. The second coming of Christ can take place—where else?—in your heart! What could you […]
Tweet …an Excerpt taken from Ram Giri’s forthcoming book: ” Practicing HeartSourcing is beneficial anytime, anywhere. This is not just because it feels good, but because it is a direct way to access the gifts of the Self, the inner guru, the Supreme Reality. The good feelings you enjoy with HeartSourcing are an emanation of […]
Tweet The ego has two very positive aspects, the Ego of Aspiration and the Ego of the Sage. They must be used to overcome the third, the Ego of Suffering. The root cause of the ego of suffering is fundamental ignorance. It is the delusion that, “I am this body, this mortal personality. Happiness comes […]
Tweet ” The deepest wish we have is to feel the harmony and peace of an Open Heart. And if we want that strongly and ask for it, the universe will support us” – Ram Giri Click Here to play video time: 4:22min
Tweet Life will always have its ups and downs. This is inevitable. And in this continuous change, in this unpredictability, life meets beauty in its entire dimension. Here is where I ask myself and I invite you to do the same: How am I dancing with life? Am I meeting life with a balanced and […]
Tweet The people of Libya have rid themselves of their oppressor and are celebrating. Celebration of Freedom Women in Tripoli after Eid day 2-9-2011 I cannot help but be struck by the symbolism of this wonderful party, and what it can mean for us. We too are involved in a ‘holy war.’ It is the […]
Tweet When depression is not depression but disillusionment, it still feels like depression. But in reality it is the first step toward the recognition of your inherent freedom and peace. Dis-illusionment is the beginning of waking up from illusion. It is a difficult stage with enormous promise. What is the illusion that is about to […]
Tweet An Alternative View of an Epidemic… by Ram Giri Over 120 million people suffer from serious depression worldwide. Most of them live in the richest countries in the world, where, one would think, people have less reason to be depressed. What’s going on? What the statistics don’t tell us is that many of these […]
Tweet Overcome Physical Problems through Open Attention We all know of the intimate correlation between mind, emotions and physical illness. Can resolving emotional stress help you overcome physical pain? And if so, how is it done? Jane’s hip was hurting a great deal. She had gone to the chiropractor with little results and in the […]
Tweet How to Rise Above the Pain of Attachment to Find Love, and Why only a Clear Mind is Capable of True Affection and Caring The most surprising Aha! moments come when we realize that something we have been absolutely sure about is completely untrue. Like a sudden ray of light into darkness we realize […]
Tweet I’m in the prime spot for Flamenco here in Miami, in a restaurant on Calle Ocho (that’s ‘8th Street’ for you gringos), right in the heart of Little Havana. The place is bubbling with excitement. Tonight there is a performance by Miami’s First Lady of Flamenco Clarita Filgueiras, and Natalia Merino, a famous dancer […]
Tweet I am riding my bike through the Miami traffic to get some movement into these old bones, and I can’t help but notice how aggressive people are. They honk and curse at the little old lady in front of them, then pass her in a cloud of exhaust fumes to enjoy the great victory […]
Tweet For Jane it’s her weight. George thinks he is not a good enough provider for his family. Since the kids teased her in school, Carol believes she is not pretty. This is how we carry our hidden pain with us like a snail carries its house. And every so often we withdraw right into […]
Tweet In the light of 9-11 and the killing of Osama bin Laden we understand the reactions of revenge and of hatred. Their expression was easy enough to see in the outburst of joy at his death in many parts of the US. It made some of us rather uncomfortable. That we are staging the […]
Tweet There are countless levels of consciousness. No one lives on one level permanently, it shifts and moves, but more or less we have most of our experiences on a stage of awareness to which we are most habituated. Within this stage we strive to be happy and to avoid suffering. And we also strive […]