Tweet Another morning. But before I open my eyes, I lie still and deeply feel inside. And a recognition arises. There is in us a presence of which we are often unaware. You have your own name for it, the presence of God, or reality, of the soul. For me it has the feeling of […]
Tweet While reading an amazing teaching by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (the main guru of the Dalai Lama, whose new incarnation is just touring the States for the 1st time) I thought of you. In a few short words: It is the teaching of clearly seeing that all the misery in our lives comes from ego-clinging, […]
Tweet Here is an entry from my friend Jai Uttals’ blog at The “Bhakti Movement” in the US these days is kind of strange to me. Wonderful, but also, weird. Wonderful because more and more people are experiencing the incredibly passionate joy of singing God’s names; and weird because, as Americans, we seem to […]
Tweet Most of us cannot even relate to this language – ‘Self-Love,’ it sounds like narcissism, like self-indulgence, somehow over the top and too much. And yet, when we look at its pure manifestation, it is the most important quality we can develop. In truth most of us are rather removed from loving ourselves much […]
Tweet People often wonder how to reconcile the Buddha’s teachings on non-attachment with those on love. How can we love others without being attached to them? Non-attachment is a balanced state of mind in which we cease overestimating others’ qualities. By having a more accurate view of others, our unrealistic expectations fall away, as does […]
A vision that could be yours: standing in front of an assembly of enlightened beings and the impact that vision can have
What is the fast way of spiritual growth? What is the Secret that we cannot see in the bright light of day? So obvious it stares us in the face? The direct step into the space of grace is open to you now.
Who are you and how can you find healing and happiness? The answer to this is actually very simple and straightforward. This article offers you a master formula to help you proceed on the path to yourself.
The author describes what led to his spontaneous recovery from cancer and shows a way how you can create the optimal inner conditions for healing from cancer. He offers an online course for self healing by clearing mind and emotions of stress and opening to the Source of peace and unconditional love within you.
This article discusses the author’s spontaneous healing from cancer and his 35 year journey to find and share with others the fundamental skills anyone can use to enable the body and mind and emotions to heal and find wholeness. The main secret is to learn to open to the deep well of pure love inside us.
Tweet We are so busy. It seems our minds only know running. They run here and there, aggravated about what we don’t want and greedy for our desires. On and on they run to exhaustion and then some more, and even more after that. Why? What are they running from? Because the great fear we […]
Love is the best of all drugs. Here is how you can taste it from your own Heart.
Tweet Two lovers meet. She says to him, “Are you the perfect partner for me? Can I trust that you will love me tomorrow and not betray me, or leave me?” “My love,” he says, “I cannot know the future. That is how I am like you. Since I treasure you I cannot tell you something I […]